Certified Trainer for Creo Parametric

...specially for free form surfaces

Thomas Clever is an experienced trainer, having attended several special courses and he did already several trainerships with well-known companies such as Continental or PTC.

Creokurs von Thomas Clever

Training is offered by Thomas Clever thanks to and with the support of Gerald Kaufmann (CAD-ConES) who offers Windchill training, engineering support and even individual workshops in addition to Creo.

In these areas Thomas Clever offers his services as a trainer:

Basic course for designers and technicians

Creation of features such as extrusions, cuts, patterns, shells...

Data preparation with the Import Data Doctor

Parametric top-down model structure especially for designers - greatly reduced development times, fast incorporation of shape changes

Creo, ProE Kurszeugnisse

In preparation for his work as a Creotrainer, Thomas Clever has of course attended some courses himself, which complement the experience he has gained from day-to-day design work. He mainly gives courses at automotive suppliers.

For a Creo Design course: Please sent an email to Thomas Clever

For alternative Creo courses: Please sent an email to Gerald Kaufmann

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Last Update 12.01.2023